Glandular Resurfacing with Buccal Mucosa Graft For Superficial Glans Penile Cancer: Surgical Technique

  • Raheem, O.A., Kocjancic, E.
  • Raheem, O.A. Venishetty, N, Areti, A, Kocjancic, E
  • VJSM 2024 1: 065
  • 05:33



Raheem, O.A. Venishetty, N, Areti, A, Kocjancic, E

Key Words

Glandular Resurfacing, Superficial Glans Penile Cancer


Penile cancer, although rare, significantly impacts the glans penis, with an incidence rate between 0.66 and 1.44 per 100,000 men. This video presents a step-by-step surgical procedure for glans resurfacing using a buccal mucosa graft to treat Carcinoma in situ (CIS) located at the distal glans penis. The primary goals of this technique are complete tumor removal with negative surgical margins and organ preservation to maintain functionality and appearance. The buccal mucosa graft is chosen for its favorable characteristics, including ease of harvest, compatibility with wet environments, and excellent neovascularization properties. These features make it an ideal graft for penile procedures. The approach taken in the video details the harvesting process, emphasizing the importance of avoiding the Stensen's duct to prevent complications. Glans resurfacing is indicated for superficial penile cancers confined to the glans, such as Tis, Ta, T1aG1, and T1aG2 stages. The surgical steps include excising the affected glans epithelium and subepithelium with clear margins, placing the buccal mucosa graft over the excised area, and stabilizing it with stay sutures and quilting techniques using 5/0 Vicryl Rapide. Post-operative care involves the insertion of a 16-F silicone catheter, careful dressing of the surgical site, and providing patients with detailed wound-care instructions. Follow-up appointments are scheduled at one- and two weeks post-surgery. This video serves as an educational tool for students and residents, demonstrating the effective combination of oncological control and organ preservation. It highlights the importance of surgical technique and post-operative care to achieve optimal outcomes in treating superficial glans penile cancer.

While the video recording of the glans lesion excision is not included, we followed the surgical oncologic principle of excising the glans lesion until no visible disease and all lesions were sent to pathology including the margins. Afterward, we proceeded with glans resurfacing and grafting with buccal as shown.



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