Welcome to the new Video Journal of Sexual Medicine!
I am delighted to announce that the Video Journal of Prosthetic Urology (VJPU) has now been officially renamed the Video Journal of Sexual Medicine (VJSM). I am truly honored to have been named Editor-in-Chief of VJSM and look forward to continuing the legacy of my predecessors, Dr. Steven Wilson and Dr. Rafael Carrion. We certainly have big shoes to fill!
The new and refurbished VJSM’s vision is to be a more inclusive video journal that encompasses all the various aspects of Sexual Medicine. While prosthetic urology will certainly continue to be a mainstay of the journal, we aim to expand the journal to include content related to male infertility, genitourinary reconstruction/trauma, Peyronie’s disease, male lower urinary tract symptoms (BPH/OAB), male urinary incontinence, esthetic/cosmetic urology, gender-affirming care, genital malignancies, hypogonadism, scrotal surgery and of course female sexual dysfunction. The journal will not only be geared toward surgical videos but will also welcome procedural, clinical, and other instructional content. Finally, VJSM will also include a Residents Corner, which will focus on videos geared towards the education of trainees through a structured didactic process.
On behalf of the new editorial board, I am excited to launch VJSM as the newest journal in the expanding ISSM publication portfolio. Through your support and submissions, I hope we can make it a comprehensive and inclusive journal for ALL Sexual Medicine-related content!